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Tips to be a smart online shopper

Tips to be a smart online shopper

Last updated: 25 July 2021

When it comes to shopping, the thought of going online and purchasing a product or service instantly, with a simple checkout process and having the item delivered straight to your doorstep may have seemed impossible 20 years ago, but now it has become an essential part of our lives. From purchasing a pair of shoes overseas to getting groceries delivered to your door, shopping is now just a few simple clicks away.

Internet shopping provides many benefits and the rapid growth of e-commerce sites not only provides us with more options on where to shop but also different ways to pay. So, it pays to understand how to protect your money and your personal information online.


Check the website’s security and privacy page

Does the website offer secure transactions? How will your personal information be stored or used? Are you on a secured computer and a secured network?

Savvy Tip: Make sure the website begins with “https://” to ensure all communications between your browser and the website are encrypted. If the website has a closed padlock icon, it also means its identity has been verified by a trusted third-party authority and that its URL is secure for you to reach.


Is the company you’re purchasing from legitimate?

With many fake online shopping sites lurking around, it’s important to research the business to see if you can find further details to verify the identity of the company you are purchasing from.

Savvy Tip: Protect yourself from online scammers by investigating further, such as if the business has complete contact details and if a physical address is listed. Search for reviews and comments on the product or service on forums to help with this process.


Always read the T&Cs

What if you have made the wrong purchase? Does the company offer a refund or have a return policy? How long is the warranty period and what are the delivery costs?

Savvy Tip: Make sure you know exactly what costs are involved. Keep a record of the transaction, such as the confirmation email, a screenshot of the product page along with the item number and a description, in case the item or the service is not received.


Payment options

With many emerging ‘Buy now, pay later’ services (such as Afterpay, zipPay & OnePay) accommodating to online shoppers, it pays to understand how these services operate, you can read further on What you need to look out for in Buy Now, Pay Later services for more information.

Savvy Tip: Only pay for goods within the website’s official payment system. Scammers will often ask you to pay up-front via money order or international wire transfer.


Fees to look out for

Here are some of the common fees when shopping online that could potentially be added to the cost of your order:

  • Booking or service fees
  • Packaging or handling charges
  • Postage or delivery fees
  • Local currency costs (including currency conversion fees if purchased overseas)
  • Payment processing fees (for example using a credit card)
  • Import duty or tax


All overseas retailers who ship products to Australia must now charge 10% GST on the price of these goods. You may notice that the online website you shop at has increased their prices to cover the tax.


International transaction fee

This is a fee that may be charged by credit card providers for purchases, cash advances or transactions that are made with overseas-based merchants or financial institutions, or with Australian-based merchants who process payments overseas.

To check if you will be charged this fee, you can find more details in the terms and conditions on the website you shop at or from your credit provider.


Though internet shopping is a great way to save time, money and energy, remember to always exercise these precautions to stay safe online while you shop and only visit sites that you trust so you never put yourself or your money at risk.

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This is an information service only and any information displayed is not to be taken as a recommendation for you to take out a particular product. Where Credit Savvy displays credit products that you may be eligible for, this means that the lender has indicated that applicants must at a minimum meet this credit score as part of the product criteria. Credit Savvy does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs when displaying any products on its website.

Products shown are only a selection and not representative of all products in the market. Loan products shown are limited to those issued by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) ABN 48 123 123 124 and AFSL/Australian credit licence 234945. CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd ABN 38 633 072 830 and Australian Credit Licence 516487, trading as Credit Savvy Australia is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of CBA. CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd is not an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 and its obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

All loan product applications are subject to the provider's credit criteria, approval and terms and conditions. Conditions, fees and charges may apply. Interest rates are subject to change and some products may have lower introductory rates which revert to higher rates after a set period of time. You should consider your own objectives, financial situation and needs, along with the product's terms and conditions, before making a decision to apply for a product. Once you click on a link or apply for a certain product you will be dealing with the provider and not us. We do not accept any liability in respect of any product from any provider.

The display or order of products is not an indication of product ranking or suitability. Commercial arrangements exist with some providers (which may include payments that we receive from them for displaying their products and associated click throughs.

Credit Savvy endeavours to provide accurate information and no responsibility is taken for errors or oversights. The results from any calculations, such as indicative monthly repayments, are estimates only and should be used for general information purposes.

We act as a credit intermediary and do not provide personal financial, legal or tax advice, or credit assistance of any form. Any content featured on the site is of a general and informative nature only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider your needs, along with the product's terms and conditions before making a decision. We do not accept any liability in respect of any product or service which you elect to acquire from any provider.

© 2024 CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd ABN 38 633 072 830 and Australian Credit Licence 516487, trading as Credit Savvy Australia.
Credit Savvy is a trademark of CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd. CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd is not an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 and its obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

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