Credit report summary & score factors

Get your Credit Report Summary with Credit Savvy, for free.

More than a credit score


Credit Savvy updates your Credit Score Factors* and Credit Report Summary whenever there are changes to your Experian credit file and offers free credit monitoring alerts to notify you of these changes so don’t miss an important update.


Credit Score Factors*

Your score factors are common elements that have been identified that could affect your score. It can provide you with further insights into where improvements can be made to your credit reputation.

*Influences and tips delivered as part of Score Factors are for guidance and educational purposes only and should not be relied on as financial advice. The influences and tips may not impact or improve your credit score. Not all lenders use the same credit reporting body or scores impacted by the influences and tips provided.


Credit Report Summary

The details behind your score. It summarises the important elements of your Experian credit file so you can easily see the key information that makes up your credit score.

Check your Credit Score Factors and Credit Report Summary for free right here.

Take a look below at some of the key elements that show up on your Credit Report Summary and what information each includes:

  • Credit Accounts and Relationships

A detailed view of your individual credit accounts including, credit provider name, credit type, limit, status, open and closed dates. Also, information related to credit relationships with specialty finance providers from debt collection agencies or payday loan providers.

  • Repayment History Information

Your monthly repayment history for the credit accounts you hold, including whether you have made payments on time or missed any payments. A strong repayment history is a crucial factor in achieving a high credit score.

  • Enquiries

Did you know that when you apply for credit it can show up on your credit report? The frequency and recentness of credit enquiries can have an impact on your score as well as the type of credit and the provider of the credit.

  • Negative Events    

Information on your overdue payments that have become defaults and any information that is held in the public record, such as bankruptcy, court writs and judgments that have a significant impact on your score is recorded.


Different types of information can have varying levels of impact on your credit score and can stay on your file for a varying amount of time. Check your Credit Report Summary and uncover the details on your credit report so you can take action to improve it.


Signing up to Credit Savvy is as simple as 1, 2, 3

  1. Create an account with Credit Savvy within minutes.
  2. Verify your identity with a form of ID (such as your drivers licence), so we can securely retrieve your credit data from Experian.
  3. Get your credit score and credit file information, along with free credit monitoring tools and resources to help you improve your financial wellbeing!.

We act as a credit intermediary and do not provide personal financial, legal or tax advice, or credit assistance of any form. Any content featured on the site is of a general and informative nature only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider your needs, along with the product's terms and conditions before making a decision. We do not accept any liability in respect of any product or service which you elect to acquire from any provider.

© 2025 CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd ABN 38 633 072 830 and Australian Credit Licence 516487, trading as Credit Savvy Australia.
Credit Savvy is a trademark of CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd. CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. CBA New Digital Businesses Pty Ltd is not an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 and its obligations do not represent deposits or other liabilities of Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

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