Last updated: 16 April 2021
If you are not already a Credit Savvy member, you can check your credit score for free by registering here:
You can choose to sign up with Email, Facebook, Google, or Apple.
Sign up with Email:
Once you register an email address and password, you should receive an email in your Inbox from Credit Savvy, asking you to click through to activate your membership. If you cannot locate our email:, it’s a good idea to also check your Junk / Promotions / Spam folder just in case.
Clicking the activation link will take you to the second step, which is an ID verification process where we will ask your full name, date of birth, address and a form of Government ID so that we can securely verify your identity and provide you with your Experian credit score.
Sign up with Facebook, Google, or Apple:
You can click on the Facebook, Google, or Apple buttons to sign up with your existing social media account. You will need to authorise your preferred social media account to access the necessary information and then follow the ID verification process where we will ask your full name, date of birth, address and a form of Government ID so that we can securely verify your identity and provide you with your Experian credit score.